Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Students consisted of only six for this class setting. The assessment of their behavior was of positive academic performance, because it exhibited
management of class kept by the teacher. At times some of the students
were funny, but it did not bring upon any negative events of any kind. Some students personality portrayed that of being extraversion, and were therefore always trying to explain, wanting to answer everything, and making gestures or facial expressions. Others were more introversive, but either way they all got along and collaborated to do experiments and to adhere to rules in order to keep on doing hands-on experiments, as that was one of the classroom rules. Most memorable moment was when doing a food color experiment some of the students were fast to get all their hands full of color, meaning that at any given moment, students are quick to do almost anything, those were in part to me as the most funny moments, because students wanted to show off to their audience, which was us, the observers! Rewarding moments in this class were when students showed facial expression of awareness to the experiments being done.

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