Thursday, July 8, 2010

Technology Integration

Teacher uses different kinds of Methods to deliver effective technology instruction to students

From the very start of class, the students walk-in to see the over head projector on showing the "question of the day" question on the overhead screen. Teacher uses various types of multimedia tools to illustrate needed lesson information, and also to provide students with current instructional information, she did not state any kind of special software she used, other than the Internet. Teacher also demonstrates lesson information via the laptop computer with online communication, there she shows them videos such as "brain pop". She also researches words or phrases when students don't understand, or if they ask of a certain topic related to lesson. At the time of engaging in experiments, teacher uses digital camera to take pictures of activity being done. Overall, teacher is very knowledgeable in the use of all needed equipment used in classroom, this also communicates to the students of the importance in learning how to use technology for learning! I would use this kind of technology as well with my students and permitting, I would try to incorporate a possible type of blackboard kind of tool, because it can start teaching students to learn how to take control of keeping up with their own school work, and at the same time it can teach them responsibilities.

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